Veterans Ombud Releases Report: Full and Fair Payment of Pain and Suffering Compensation

March 22, 2024, Ottawa, ON – Veterans Ombud Colonel (Ret’d) Nishika Jardine released a report today on the unfairness inherent in Veterans Affairs Canada’s (VAC) Pain and Suffering Compensation (PSC) benefit. The PSC benefit compensates Veterans for disabilities related to their service. How VAC pays the PSC benefit directly affects what happens to Veterans’ compensation when they die. 

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Disability Benefit Adjudication Process

This guide explains the steps Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) takes after you apply for Disability Benefits.

1. Claim Preparation VAC ensures your application includes all information required to make a decision. They order your service health records and may contact you for further information. When VAC has the required information, your application is placed into a queue for decision-makers.

Office of the Veterans Ombud Shines Light on its Outstanding Recommendations to Veterans Affairs Canada

December 7, 2023, Ottawa, ON – Today, the Office of the Veterans Ombud (OVO) released its publication Spotlight 2023: Progress Update on OVO Recommendations to VAC. As of March 31, 2023, Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) has fully or partially implemented 70 percent or 55 of the OVO’s 79 recommendations –  a slight improvement over last year.

The recommendations made by the OVO address systemic gaps and barriers to fair access by Veterans and their families for VAC services and benefits.

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