Featured Cases
Due to a VAC administrative error, an 85-year-old survivor ended up with an overpayment of almost $19,000. Distraught and vulnerable, this survivor reached out to us and we acted on her behalf.
A Veteran was denied services through the Veterans Independence Program (VIP) because his injuries were psychological rather than physical. He contacted us for assistance.
After spending almost three years trying to get Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) to correct her Income Replacement Benefit (IRB) payments, a Reserve Force Veteran decided to reach out.
A little home adaptation can go a long way, especially when it improves a senior citizen’s quality of life. For many, the ability to remain safe at home means everything to their independence.
A Korean War Veteran and his family were in the midst of adapting his home when they reached out to the OVO with concerns. The Veteran had applied to build a wheelchair accessible shower in his basement as a treatment benefit through the Program of Choice for special equipment (POC13). VAC denied the funding.
Those who rely on medication to keep health issues in check understand how vital daily treatment is. Treatment can also be costly if an individual does not have the appropriate coverage.
For one Veteran who contacted our office, medication and coverage were at the center of their worries.
The Veteran suffered from an uncomfortable condition that causes areas of the body to go numb and feel cold in response to cold temperatures or emotional stress. Over time, the condition can cause small arteries to thicken slightly, further limiting blood flow.
A Veteran battling anxiety needed a doctor to complete a questionnaire for a totally and permanently incapacitated (TPI) Earning Capacity Assessment, but after moving to a new city, the Veteran had a hard time finding a doctor. The Veteran tried to contact their case manager many times to discuss the situation, but there was a breakdown in communication. When the Veteran contacted my Office, we investigated and discovered that it had been a while since the Veteran was last contacted. After speaking to the Department, the Veteran was finally contacted and satisfied with the outcome.